The Master Plan Preparing for Eternity

Posted 4 years ago
Denise Carlton

Category : Christian Spiritual Growth and Christan Living


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Denise Carlton's "Master Plan" takes you through a journey of finding your purpose.

Faith. This single word carries a hefty tag for those who choose to devote their lives to the teachings and wisdom of a higher power. Mankind’s evolution has enlightened our minds and hearts yet doubt lingers in skeptics. Regardless of your personal belief, eternity beckons and it is going to be far longer than our time here on Earth.

God has a plan for each of us. Divinity teaches us to accept each other and spread His love. We, his beloved children, play a unique part in His master plan. Understanding the importance of this often falls well beyond our ability to reason, making it all the more important to come to terms with our gift of spirituality.

The Master Plan: Preparing For Eternity is a thoughtful exposition of our purpose in life and the divinity lurking within us all. Each chapter is presented in logical order to build upon our preconceived notions of God’s plan and the purpose of sending Jesus Christ among us. They are filled with important life lessons meant to be shared with all.

We must each practice these lessons daily if we are to be prepared when New Jerusalem arises. Are you ready?

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