ASK: A Collection of Poetry, Lyrics, and Words

Posted 3 years ago
Amanda Baker

Category : Poetry


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A transformation of eighteen-plus years in the eyes of an emotional being from age fourteen to now.

We can be anyone we want, so why do we often choose to be mirror images of those around us? This is not a book or message about finding myself or how to help others find themselves. This is a collection of time. A collection of growth on how to gain the courage to share when no one asks. We can be anyone we want, so why do we often choose to be mirror images of those around us? Why do we camouflage to seek acceptance and validation or rebel in an effort to prove a point? Many get stuck, lost, and numb. At least I did. I had to ask myself the deeper questions that I love to ask others. I had to do the work because no one else was asking. By the end, I had answers. If you read this, I hope you find the answers you’re looking for, too.

“I stopped writing when I was eighteen. Literally stopped. . . .
I was always in the place between giving up and pushing on.”

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